Regardless of which type of travel visa you are applying for, visa consular or embassies normally want you to show the proof of financial support to sustain the traveler while on their trip abroad. This can be proven through presenting current bank statements, mobile money statement, loan letters or financial sponsorship letter attached with financial statement of the sponsor.

In this blog, we are going to look at one by one, however we shall concentrate on the most commonly used by most of visa applicants, that’s the bank statement.
A bank statement is a financial record that shows all the transactions for a particular bank account owner in a specified period of time. It shows all the inflows and outflows.
Before we choose which bank statement to present before the visa consular as the means of financial support. Let’s see what really the visa consular needs to find out in one’s statement.
- The visa consular or embassy would need to know whether the applicant have sufficient funds to sustain their stay abroad
- The embassy needs to understand whether ones bank transactions match the sources of income and their expenditure proofs they are presenting.
In this case therefore having larger balance on the presented bank statement does not guarantee one’s visa approved, someone with relatively smaller amounts may stand higher chances of their visa being approved if at all they have clearly shown their sources of income, expenditure proofs and its matching the transactions they are making on the presented bank statement.
Building a standing bank statement
If you are expecting or having plans to travel in the nearby future, don’t just wake up and add a larger sum of money on your account to present without showing the source of income for the deposited money.
We recommend that you start building your statement in time, like six to seven months prior your visa application submission.
Even if the money is not yours, just ensure that it passes on your account for some few hours or days before you give it back to the owner. All the money from your different sources of income should be deposited first onto your account before you spend it. In other wards just keep the account active for specific period depending on which embassy you are submitting your application i.e. most of bigger embassies ” Europe” , “USA” and Canada require you to present six months bank statement while smaller embassies requires 3 months bank statement is normally enough.
The statement you are to present may also depend on the type of visa you are applying for .
For example someone applying a student visa is expected to present a larger statement compared to someone applying a visit visa for just a few days.
Yes, most embassies verify the bank statements visa applicants submit alongside their visa applications.
According to our research with banks, this is how they normally phrase their emails.
“Kindly confirm for us the transactions of the attached copy of scanned bank statement from Mr. /Mrs. ABC born on this day/month/year with account number XXX.”
Using a sponsor bank statement
This is another common way of proving means of subsistence while applying for your travel visa.
However you must be able to establish the relationship you have with the sponsor.
An official notarized letter of sponsorship and affidavit for both yourself and the sponsor can be added on the list of submitted documents to prove your relationship with the sponsor.
Use of mobile money statement

If you do your transactions mostly using mobile money and are soon applying for how you will prove you financial stand.
Mobile money statements are accepted by almost all embassies provided they are certified by mobile money company is coming from and an official recommendation letter from mobile money company is attached.
What happens when you use false financial statement?
If the visa consular or embassy finds out the applicant has used a false financial statement, they can burn them from applying for any type of visa at that same embassy for two to five years depending on the country the applicant is applying from.
Unfortunately, some visa agents use false statements on applying for their clients. However it’s not bad to use them because they understand consular rules and dynamics for visa application better than you do, but when it reaches to proof of financial support, we recommend that the applicant themselves provide it as they are the only ones to provide the rightful proof on it no one else, or let the agent advise you on how best you can do it then continue with his advice.
It is therefore forbidden to provide a false financial statement.
Travel tips by Noworks tours and travel LTD
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